Thursday, December 1, 2011

Cue Music - "It's the Most Wonderful Time of the Year"

Actually, it's the most stressful time of the year.  Yes, this is one of my rants.  It's only fair to warn you.

I'm extremely introverted and don't like shopping to begin with.  Add to that shopping for people I don't even like amongst crowds that accost you with every vile and foul odor known to mankind.  Really, it's okay to shower at least once a week whether you need it or not. 

And I'm just not that into all the gifts. Just don't want it. Don't need it. And I don't know what to buy anyone else, either.  Call me Scrooge.  Although I did get some gifts I think people will like this year.  A couple of "Would You Rather" games and a Christmas Jester cap for me.  It's cute and makes me smile.

Then you have to attend parties with people you don't like.  Family dinners with family you don't like.  Heck, with my family, you get to spend time with certain family members (you know who you are, and no, I haven't forgotten) who would rather spend time with your EX than you.  They're just that mean.  No, really.  MEAN.  I'm glad Christmas is on Sunday this year so I can go to church to get away.  Someone once asked me, "how do you deal with your family?"  I said, "drugs".  I was only kidding, but realize there are a lot of people who really do deal with life with medication (of all sort).  Makes me sad.  We all used to pile around the piano (that's what I play) and sing carols, but even  being that close to a couple of them makes me want to vomit.  Literally.  Vomit. 

And Dad's not here, but some jackalope will have to keep talking about him and make me think about all the sadness of not having him.  Just can't talk about it.  Not just now.  It makes my heart literally hurt, right in my chest.  I'm the one who had to find him, then had to be strong while others fell apart.  I actually had to comfort a couple of his friends.  He was MY dad.  Your friend, but MY DAD.  Who's here to give me a hug?  Hold me while I cry?

The saving grace this year is my neighborhood tree hop.  I love my neighbors.  They're just nice people.  And I never have to worry about what to say because they like to talk - and talk about fun stuff.  They don't even gossip, well most don't.  Our neighborhood is totally the awesome sauce.

So what's my idea of a perfect Christmas?  Don't know exactly, but it would include volunteering at a soup kitchen or having a sandwich with a homeless person around a fire, so long as I'm not homeless.  That probably sounds crude, but I'm just keepin' it real here.  I can't save the world as much as I'd like to.  Not until my superhero powers kick in, but I'm not holding my breath on that one.

So Merry Christmas.  My next post on Christmas will be much cheerier (I hope).

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